Debilitating nerves can prevent you from living your life to the fullest. Whether you experience anxiety daily or you have a flare-up prior to a big meeting, these emotions are hard to handle. By establishing new, anxiety-reducing habits, you may be able to get your nerves under control more effectively. From trying new products to learning helpful breathing techniques, you can learn how to manage even the most stressful situations while giving yourself a fresh perspective on life.
Wear comfortable clothes
The way you dress can impact your nerves in a positive or negative way depending on the items you choose each morning. If you’re prone to nervousness, or you know you’re going to have a stressful interaction at work, try wearing something comfortable. Go for a roomy shirt and baggier pants and cloak yourself in comfort to help ease your nerves. The simple act of putting on a wireless bra in lieu of a more restrictive alternative makes a world of difference. A wireless bra is more breathable and doesn’t restrict the human body, allowing you to move freely without worrying about your underwire poking you when you’re already stressed out.
Give CBD a chance
If you are unfamiliar with CBD, this natural substance is derived from the Cannabis plant and can be used to alleviate anxiety, inflammation, and other ailments of the mind and body. A product like CBD oil is beneficial during moments of stress when you’re feeling on-edge. The best way to use this product is to place one or two drops of the CBD oil under your tongue and allow it to naturally absorb into your body. If you’re feeling particularly nervous, use CBD oil twice per day to help address your symptoms. The benefits of CBD are hard to beat, because not only does it help you manage depression and anxiety, but it can reduce physical aches and chronic pain as well.
Try breathing exercises
Once you’ve replaced your bra and invested in some helpful CBD products, it’s time to integrate breathing exercises into your stress management routine. One of the most recommended breathing techniques to help calm nerves consists of taking one deep breath in, holding it for a moment, and then releasing the air slowly. Different health professionals recommend different techniques, but this is standard practice for those with anxiety. Focus on your breathing as you take a deep breath in and let it back out. This draws your mind away from whatever is making you nervous and helps you calm down more effectively. For better results, place a drop or two of CBD oil under your tongue before completing your breathing exercises.
Go for a walk
Go for a walk to clear your head and to get some fresh air pumping into your lungs. Whether you walk around the neighborhood or you spend an afternoon walking through nearby trails, this can help release pent up nerves. Go at your own pace and walk for however long you can allow within your existing schedule, but make it a habit. By scheduling time every day to go for a walk, you integrate this stress-relieving activity into your day and give yourself something to look forward to. Bump up your walking time if you are particularly stressed and stay out as long as needed until you feel like your nerves are under control again.
Talk to a Friend
Human connection helps when you’re experiencing heightened stress. If you’re struggling to calm yourself down, reach out to a friend or family member and ask to talk to them for a few minutes until you feel better. Discuss what’s causing your anxiety or have a conversation about a neutral topic to take your mind off whatever is bothering you. It’s important to understand that you don’t need to suffer through your nerves alone. When you reach out to a loved one you establish a connection with them and you allow someone else to help you through a difficult time.