You need to be smart when using your phone. Even if it does almost everything that you need to do, it does not mean you should always use it. You are placing yourself at risk in doing so. Apart from getting distracted from the things you need to finish, you also increase your exposure to radiation. These signs will show you that you are already overusing your phone and you need to stop.
Your phone is too hot
It is the obvious sign that you are on your phone for quite a long time. Before, phones easily heated up only after a few minutes of use. These days, it takes a while for it to happen. Therefore, if your phone is already hot, it shows that you have been using it for a long time.
Your eyes hurt
Whether or not you have sensitive eyes, they will start to hurt once you use your phone for a long time. They might even turn red, and it is not a good thing. It is worse when you need to sleep, but you still decide to use your phone anyway.
You are not productive anymore
Unless your task is on your phone, you might end up not being productive if you use it for a long time. You will notice that you cannot do anything related to work because you dedicated hours browsing social media pages or playing video games.
You do not have social relationships
It is easy to stay connected these days because of internet access through mobile devices. You can chat with your friend who is miles away from you using your phone. It is a good thing if you do it now and then. However, if it starts to become addictive and change to an unhealthy lifestyle to the point that you are not talking with people around you anymore, it is not healthy. You realise that you do not have close friends anymore since you decided to dedicate more time to your phone than them.
You are unhappy
The problem when you spend more time with your phone is that your happiness starts to turn superficial. You do not feel happy when you turn your phone off. You cannot distinguish what is real and what is not. It is a terrible feeling that will make you suffer.
You keep searching for your phone
When you decide not to use your phone, you might start looking for it. Even when it is time to sleep, you still want your phone to be close. You have no idea what you intend to do with your phone, but you want it close to you anyway.
When you start seeing these signs, it means you need to find a way to reduce your screen time. Turn your phone off often and spend more time with the people you love. Also, use protective devices like the ones at You need to at least block radiation from penetrating your body before it affects your health.