Many many people think of being a neat freak as a negative quality. It may be viewed as someone who is neurotic or overly obsessed with keeping things a certain way. While it’s true that there is some neuroticism associated with being overly clean, that’s not to say there aren’t plenty of positive aspects to being this way too.
Studies show that people who are clean-conscious are less likely to get sick, for example. However, it can also negatively impact your mental health by constantly fixating on the cleanliness of things. Take a look at some of the pros and cons of being a self-proclaimed “neat freak.”
Pro: Improved Health
People who struggle to keep a clean house may be much more likely to catch an illness. When you neglect your home, you are, in turn, neglecting your health. It’s important for your health to do everything from scheduling routine maintenance on appliances to wiping down counters. Each task plays a role in the overall well being of your health in your own home.
Apart from friendliness affecting your physical health, a clean home can also impact your mental health. A clean home is shown to improve focus and lower stress levels.
Con: Inability To Relax
For some neat freaks, it is absolutely impossible for them to focus on anything in the presence of a mess. Even the slightest smudge on the window is likely to send their mind into a haze of distraction.
While being clean in and of itself can be a good thing, it’s important that you’re not so obsessed with cleanliness that it distracts you from being a functional person.
Being concerned with cleanliness can easily start to borderline obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some people are extremely frustrated and stressed when anything isn’t in its exact place. This kind of behavior can be dangerous for your mental health if it goes too far.
Pro: It’s Great Exercise
There’s something to be said for the number of calories that you burn when you do a thorough house clean. People who are really committed to a deep clean, easily find themselves burning hundreds of calories in a single cleaning session. This boost of activity is great for their cardiovascular health.
People who find themselves stressed out or tense, often find that the activity boost involved with house cleaning is enough to send their worries packing.
Con: You’re Judgemental Of Less Tidy People
Some ultra-clean people can’t stand accepting the idea that anyone cleans less than them. Relationships may be seriously impacted by their obsession with everything having its proper place. After a while, your cleaning obsession could start to come across as pushy or overly judgmental.