If you love to mix business and pleasure and are searching for a few fantastic business destinations to visit in the near future, simply continue reading!
3 Fantastic business travel destinations:
1. Berlin, Germany
Why does Berlin make an excellent business travel destination? Berlin is one of the most popular business destinations in Europe and commonly hosts industry trade shows, for a wide variety of industries. So if you’re interested in conducting business in Europe and want to make useful business contacts, you may want to schedule an upcoming business trip to Berlin.
When you’re not working you’ll have the opportunity to explore Berlin’s myriad of museums, art galleries, historic buildings, restaurants, and cafes. All of which are world class. Better yet, if you network with local businessmen and women, chances are high that your new contacts will invite you to enjoy a meal or beer at one of Berlin’s finest cafes, bars or restaurants.
If you’re a sports fan and have an interest in soccer, it may also be a fun idea to support Berlin’s local professional soccer team Hertha BSC, play in Germany’s number one soccer league the Bundesliga.
If you’re curious as to why you may want to fly to Berlin, instead of Frankfurt, which boasts the largest airport in Germany, the answer is that Frankfurt is often a nightmare to commute around. Which makes it an impractical destination for busy businessmen and women.
2. Istanbul, Turkey
You may be surprised to read that Istanbul, which isn’t even the capital of Turkey, is a fantastic business travel destination to visit. Although you might be convinced when you realize that Istanbul is technically the only city to be located in both Asia and Europe. Which means that if you visit Istanbul on business, you’ll be able to conduct business meetings with influential individuals from both Asia and Europe. Which is a great use of your time.
Furthermore, Istanbul also specializes in four different industries, food production, textiles, electronics, and oil. All of which you may be interested in.
If you’re lucky enough to get a bit of free time to explore Istanbul, make sure to visit Istanbul’s iconic domed cathedral the Hagia Sofia and to take a river cruise. In fact, there’s no better way to view Istanbul, than to book a Bosphorus Straight dinner cruise. If you’re curious the Bosphorus straight is the waterway that connects Europe with Asia or the west with the east.
3. Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of the world’s leading business destinations as unlike other Chinese cities like Beijing and Shanghai, Hong Kong practices western style, free business policies. Which allow international and domestic businesses to prosper within Hong Kong’s borders. So if you’re looking to do business in a city, where your business is likely to thrive, do yourself a huge favor and add Hong Kong to your list of business destinations to visit.
Should you visit all three of the fantastic business destinations listed above, you’ll be sure to help your business grow to meet its potential!