If you’re the type of dog owner, that loves seeing your dog’s face light up, when you toss it a tasty dog treat, you’ve come to the right place! Simply continue reading in order to discover some of the key benefits of giving your dog occasional treats.
Just like humans, dogs need to take care of their oral hygiene. In order to avoid developing decaying teeth or cavities. Many dog treats are designed to protect your dog’s teeth and some dog treats can even help freshen your dog’s breath. Which you’ll love if your dog is always trying to lick your face.
You can use dog treats to reward and reinforce good behavior:
For example, if you’d like to teach your dog a new command, such as how to heel or fetch, you’ll be able to reward your dog for good behavior, by giving them a dog treat. As your dog will then begin to associate the new command, which you’re teaching it, with a positive outcome. A tasty treat available at https://healthy-chews.com/wonder-snaxx-peanut-butter-apple/.
Why is it a great idea to reward your dog with snacks as well as praise and attention. The simple fact is that the vast majority of dogs are motivated by food. So if you want your dog to pick up and remember new commands with ease, it’s well worth learning how to use dog treats in order to reinforce good behavior.
You can use dog treats to disguise your dog’s medications:
As it can be challenging to try and get your dog to swallow a pill, it’s a great idea to hide your dog’s medication, in one of their favorite dog treats. As they won’t think twice about consuming an ordinary looking dog treat. Even if it’s hiding a pill.
Many dog treats are packed full of healthy, nutritious ingredients:
Not all dog treats feature unhealthy ingredients. In today’s day and age the bulk of dog treats on the market feature healthy, nutritious ingredients. Which will keep your dog in tip top shape. As an example, some dog treats include natural ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, which are packed full of vitamins and nutrients and will help keep your dog’s coat, sleek, shiny and healthy.
To brighten your dog’s day:
Last but not least, if you treat your dog with one of their favorite dog treats, on the odd occasion, you’ll be able to brighten their day. Just remember to set a limit on how many dog treats, you’ll give your pampered pooch. As if you don’t have a set limit, on the amount of treats, which you plan to give your dog, you may be all too willing to give in to your dog’s attempt to beg for more treats.
So while it’s not a wise idea to over indulge your dog and to feed them too many treats, for no reason. There’s certainly no harm in giving your dog healthy, nutritious treats, in moderation. As part of a healthy lifestyle.